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Tennessee Board of Law Examiners

Grade Release for the February 2024 Examination on April 12, 2024: PASS LIST AND STATISTICS

The list of applicants who passed the February 2024 UBE in Tennessee has been released and is posted here:

All applicants will receive a letter from the Board regarding their scores on or before April 15, 2024, at 4:30 p.m.

Of the 262 Tennessee UBE candidates, 105 passed, resulting in an overall pass rate of 40.08%. This pass rate reflects an increase over the overall pass rate in February 2023, which was 35.62%. The February 2024 pass rate for first-time examinees is 50%. You can find the February 2024 Tennessee Uniform Bar Examination Statistics here:

Updated Forms and Checklists for Examination

Updated Law Degree Verfications forms, Non-Standard and Courtesy Accommodations forms, and forms for foreign-educated applicants are available by clicking Forms. Applications for the July examination open on March 1 and will not be available until that date.

Checklists for a complete application can be found in Forms and in the main website menu. There is a checklist for First-Time Applicants and for Re-Examination Applicants.

Website pages have been updated to include changes related to the amendments to Rule 7 and to the recently amended Board Policies and Procedure. Both are available under “Governing Authorities.”

Website Updates: Rule Amendments and New Board Policies and Procedures

The Tennessee Board of Law Examiners website is being updated. Pages you wish to view may not be available at this time. It is anticipated that updates will be completed by February 5, 2024.

Amendments to Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 7, adopted October 30, 2023, and new Board Policies and Procedure approved by the Court on January 22, 2024, have been posted to the website under Governing Authorities.

Court Enters Order Approving Amendments to Tenn. Sup. Ct. R. 6 and 7

On October 31, 2023, the Tennessee Supreme Court entered an order amending Supreme Court Rules 6 and 7. The Order and Appendix with the changes can be found on the Tennessee Courts website here. The following is a summary of the substantive changes:


Paragraph (2): The requirements for a personal statement and a statement by two sponsors. The paragraph has been rearranged and the numbering revised. New paragraph (A) describes what constitutes and application for admission by affidavit; paragraph (B) directs an applicant to appear to take the oath of admission before a judicial official listed in paragraph 4; paragraph (C) clarifies the process for submitting the completed and signed application for admission by affidavit to the Clerk and includes a time limit for submission of the documents.

Paragraph (5) has been amended to include a process for virtual admission, making permanent the process implemented during the pandemic.


Section 1.07(f) has been modified to permit UBE score transfer, comity, or spouse of a military service member applicants to access the Tennessee Law Course upon receipt of the completed character and fitness investigation rather that after the Board approves the applicant for admission.

Section 2.01(a) has been amended to remove the phrase “before taking his or her first bar examination” as the requirement is included in paragraph (b).

Section 2.02(e) has been amended to incorporate the current ABA requirements for distance learning.


  • Sec. 3.03(a) creates two deadlines, the Application Deadline and the Final Deadline.
  • The Application Deadline is May 1 for a July exam and December 1 for a February exam.
    • The correct Tennessee application and the filing fee must be received by the Application Deadline. A copy of the NCBE background investigation application must uploaded to the Tennessee application by the Application Deadline.
    • If the application is not submitted, the fee not paid, and/or the NCBE application not uploaded on or before the Application Deadline, the applicant will not be permitted to sit for the exam.
    • No new applications will be accepted after the Application Deadline, even if started prior to the Application Deadline.
  • The Final Deadline is May 20 for a July exam and December 20 for a February


  • To meet the Final Deadline, all supporting documents required to complete the application, including completion of all steps necessary to initiate the background investigation, must be completed, uploaded, or received on or before the Final Deadline.
    • If a required document is not received by the Final Deadline or all steps have not been completed for the background investigation to begin, the applicant will not be permitted to sit for the exam.

Section 3.05:

Paragraph (b) modifies the method for measuring time in practice for an applicant whose UBE score has expired but was not earned more than five years ago. The computation of the time in practice requirement of 3 years is measured from the date upon which the application is submitted or the date the UBE score expired, whichever is later. However, in all cases, the applicant must demonstrate sufficient time in practice prior to the final expiration of the score after 5 years.

Paragraph (c) adds as an application filing requirement that the applicant for admission by transferred UBE score must request transfer of the score from the NCBE. This was moved from Paragraph (a), as it is a requirement for the application, not for eligibility.

Section 4.04, which listed the topics tested on the Tennessee Bar Exam, was deleted as Tennessee now utilizes the NCBE MPT, MEE, and MBE test materials. Content and Scope outlines are on the NCBE website.

Section 4.08, Voluntary Withdrawal from the Examination, is new. The section details when an applicant may withdraw from the exam and what conduct during the exam constitutes a voluntary withdrawal.

Section 5.01(c) modifies the definition of active practice of law to eliminate “full-time.” The list of categories in paragraph (c)(1) has been expanded to more closely align with the list in the ABA Model Rule. Paragraph (c)(3) has been modified to include a sentence moved from paragraph (2) regarding practice pending admission.

Section 7.01 has been amended to include multiple paths for applicants who received their legal education outside the United States to meet the educational requirements. In addition to substantially equivalent education, an applicant can demonstrate eligibility with a foreign law degree and an LL. M., or a foreign law degree, a license to practice law in at least one U.S. or foreign jurisdiction, and time in practice. Each option can be documented and verified and does not require the exercise of discretion by the Board. The requirements for the Foreign-Education Report has been moved to new paragraph (c).

Section 10.01 has been revised to clarify when the registration process is complete for purpose of timeliness of the registration application and to align the filing requirements with similar requirements for other types of admission. The changes make clear that the registration is specific to the employer, registration must be completed within 180 days of establishing a systematic and continuous presence, and the steps the lawyer must take to complete registration.

Section 10.03 has been modified to clarify that law student practice is not an “admission” to the bar of Tennessee but a permission to practice under supervision. Further, the section has been revised to make clear that the supervising attorney must be an active member of the bar. The change requiring the supervising attorney to be in active status has also been added to Section 10.04.

Section 12.11 has been amended to permit release of performance test and essay question answers to applicants who are unsuccessful on the examination.

New Forms Links

The Board of Law Examiners updated the link to forms. If you receive an error message when trying to access a form, please clear your history and cache, and do not use saved links. Go to the “Forms” link for Admission by Examination Score or Admission Without Examination to download forms.

Practice Pending Admission for Comity Applicants Extended

Applications for Admission without Examination (Comity) have been delayed due to the extensive amount of time the Board and staff members have had to dedicate to administering and processing the remote examinations given between October 2020 and July 2021. At this time, review of comity applications and approval by the Board are taking an average of 14 months. The Board and staff are committed to completing the pending cases and reducing the time between application submittal and Board decision.

To permit attorneys who have been affected by the delays to continue to practice pending admission as provided in Tenn. Sup. Ct. R. 7, Sec. 10.07, the Supreme Court filed an order on November 9, 2021, modifying Rule 7, Sec. 10.07. Lawyers who submitted and paid for an application for admission by comity prior to July 1, 2021, and who have registered or subsequently register to practice under section 10.07, may continue to practice pending admission until July 1, 2022, absent a terminating event as provided in section 10.07(b).


The Tennessee Supreme Court adopted amendments to Rule 7, Tennessee Supreme Court Rules on August 6, 2020. The amendments clarify the applicable standard for character and fitness, clarify the conditions that may be imposed for conditional admission , and make corrections to the rule for uniformity and consistency. A copy of the Order can be found here. Rule 7, as amended, can be found under Governing Authorities.


The link for Law Schools to use to upload completed Law Degree Verification Forms is now available. Law School Officials responsible for completing the forms should email the TBLE office for the link. Please save each form as a separate .pdf file, named: student-last name_student-first-name_Law-School-name_LDV.pdf prior to uploading the document.

NOTE: This link is not for Applicants to use. Applicants upload documents to their Application in Synergy.

Update to Board Policies and Procedure

The Board approved amendments for recommendation to the Supreme Court to Board Policy P-6.02, setting the size of Investigatory Committees, and adding new policy P-12.01, “Ethical Considerations.” Two technical amendments, a typographical error in P-3.02 and deleting a provision now included in Rule 7, in P-4.07, were recommended as well. The Supreme Court approved these recommendations on March 25, 2020. The revised Policies and Procedures have been added to the website under Governing Authorities.

Navigating our updated website

In the top bar of each page is the site index, “Tennessee Board of Law Examiners Index” that includes links to pages for each Primary Category:


For small screens in the upper right corner, you will see “Menu” CLICK MENU to show Search function & Index: The index will display when you click the “+” sign.

Upon clicking the link for a Primary Category you will be taken to a Directory Page with descriptive links for how to apply for each type of admission, practice pending admission or supervised practice information, as well as additional information regarding admission and application requirements. FAQs, forms and links to Governing Authorities are also included on the Directory Page. For Exam Information, click the link for Admission by Examination Score to find pages dedicated to exam sites, schedules, and successful applicants. At the end of each page are quick links to the Index, directory pages and FAQs.